Friday, February 11, 2011

UCStrategies - Our Take on ITExpo and Lotusphere

This week's UCStrategies podcast focused on two recent telecom events - TMC's ITExpo and IBM's Lotusphere. Both are important, long-running events that go well beyond telecom, and are relevant to the UCS audience. Some of us attended ITExpo, some attended Lotusphere, and David Michels attended both (that's ambitious!).

I was at ITExpo last week, but only saw it in passing, since I was running my smart grid event. However, I saw enough and have been to enough ITExpo's that I could add to the conversation. So, if you want to know the key takeaways from both events - esp from a UCS perspective - have a listen to our podcast.

It's running now on the UCS portal, and you can open the link here, as well as read the transcript. If you attended either event, by all means, share your thought with us!

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