Friday, April 22, 2011

Something New - My UC Column with ADTRAN

My writing takes numerous forms and turns up in a variety of places. This week marked the beginning of a new series I've started with ADTRAN. I've been following them for a while now, and the market is starting to catch up with the inroads they're making in telecom - and most recently, Unified Communications.

To help build their mindshare in this space, I've just started a column on their recently launched blog portal - it's called think.share.lead. Their portal has two content streams for now - Broadband and Unified Communications. I'm the primary contributor for the UC stream, and my first post is running there now.

I'll be posting 1-2 times a week there, and as my initial contribution explains, these posts will cover the gamut on UC - but I won't be talking much about ADTRAN. They'll get their share of coverage like anyone else, but I'm there to provide industry perspective. More importantly, I'm there to stimulate dialog and help build community. So, you'll have lots of ways to be part of this, and as you'll see on the page, you can comment on my posts or share with other on their Facebook page, Twitter and elsewhere. See you there!

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