Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dimension Data Perspectives 2011 - Thoughts

Have been in Boston the past few days, taking part in this event. Dimension Data is doing a lot of things right, and that goes a long way to explain why NTT acquired them last year.

We got a good mix of executive roadmaps, customer insights and more focused breakout sessions. Overall, they gave the analysts a deeper understanding about their philosophy, culture and of course business strategy. They are very much a services business now, and have moved well past being a hardware reseller. There was a lot of talk about virtualization and the cloud, and based on what their customers are doing, this trend is very real. It's also much harder to do than it looks, and Dimension Data clearly has a good sense as to how they can help customers get there.

I really enjoy events where the execs are so accessible and comfortable sharing their plans with us. Being South-African, they also have an international viewpoint that's a nice change from the U.S.-based companies we spend so much time with. While we didn't hear that much about the NTT integration, they did explain the synergies, and it looks like this has been a good move for both parties.

I'll be writing up another piece about this event for the UCStrategies portal shortly, and that will naturally have more of a UC focus. Until then, I should add that Dimension Data shared their new branding with us, but it's not for public consumption until May 10. All I can say is that it looks good, but you'll have to wait a few days to see for yourself.

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