Thursday, July 21, 2011

ShoreTel 2011 Conference - Day 1

Busy schedule here, but so far, the ShoreTel Mobilize for Growth analyst/partner event has been great. Solid growth story here, and I really like the leadership team they've put together. I've been tweeting regularly and taking notes during the sessions. For now, I just have time to pass on some photos from yesterday. After things wrap up today, I'll have time to reflect a bit and will have something worth reading for you then.

Hey, it's Chicago - what else would you expect for an opening?

CEO Peter Blackmore - I liked his vision and sense of purpose for growing the company - sounds like they're in good hands here.

Don Girskis leading a panel with three high-growth partners and hearing how they got such great results

CMO Kevin Gavin's silhouette and the mysteries about how marketing is helping ShoreTel succeed

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