Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gartner's UC Magic Quadrant Review

This was the topic of our latest UCStrategies podcast. Gartner's Magic Quadrant always gets a lot of attention, and there was lots to talk about here. Each of us in the UCStrategies group has a distinct perspective, and I had a few takeaways, namely:

1. How well Cisco fared considering how voice/telecom-centric their quadrant analysis is, along with the fact that Cisco is so strong in other areas that touch on UC

2. How well Microsoft is faring with Lync considering their lack of voice pedigree. I also noted it was nice to see the report acknowledge the Skype acquisition, which I think is a huge wildcard in this space.

3. Nice to see Mitel get recognition among the second tier vendors; they were the only vendor to fall into the "Visionaries" quadrant - this being a nod to their focus (more like betting the farm) on virtualization.

Lots of good insight all around, and if you want some lively debate about the state of UC, you should enjoy this. The podcast was just posted today on the UCStrategies website - here you go!

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