Wednesday, September 14, 2011

ITExpo, So Far So Good

Well, it looks like TMC bet right with Austin. So far, the ITExpo has been great. I was busy on Monday for Editor's Day, and had a bunch of briefings yesterday. The keynotes were strong, as were the sessions I had a chance to check out. It's hard to gauge how big the crowds are, but there's lots of energy here, and everyone I talk to really likes the change in venue.

Most impressive for me has been the size of the show floor, which opened up last night. Much bigger than expected, and I heard that from a lot of people - very nice to see. Also, there were lots of new exhibitors, so new blood is welcome. Cloud is the trend du jour, and that's what stands out the most for me. That's driving a lot of new exhibitors, so it's taking some getting used to seeing this ecosystem here, but the time is right. Nothing wrong with that.

Back to the Expo now - I'll have more updates later. Until then, here are some photos...

Rich Tehrani kicking off the Expo

Mike Tribolet talking about Magicjack and how disruptive the VoIP space has become

Thomas Howe leading a panel during the CloudComm Summit

My UC Unleashed session from this morning, with Bill Bumbernick from Alteva speaking here. We had a full room, so kudos to everyone who came out for a 9am session!

I'm liking the Expo so far, but for me, this is the best reason to be in Austin...

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