Friday, September 30, 2011

Next Stop - Las Vegas and Metaswitch

Been a busy road month, and up next is my third week of travel during the past four weeks. Enough!

On Monday, I'm flying out to Las Vegas for the 2011 edition of the Metaswitch Forum. I've been out to several of these, and they always do a great job. It doesn't hurt to have a large, happy customer base and great financial performance, not to mention continuously evolving technology. If you follow them, you'll know they launched an SBC a few weeks back - Perimeta - and next week I'll get a detailed update on their 2012 roadmap.

Aside from attending, I'll be moderating one of the panels, which focuses on the SMB market opportunity for IP communications. Joining me will be Metaswitch's Chris Carabello, and 2 customers - Ray Napoletano from Saddleback and Ernie Hoffmann from Optimum Lightpath.

Our session runs on Wednesday at 10:50, Track 4, and you can read the full details here. Hope you can join us!

Oh - for the tweeters out there, you can follow the forum buzz using their hashtag: #mforum11, and if you want to follow me, my handle is arnoldjon.

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