Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where are things going with SBCs?

That's a big question in the IP comms space these days, with the most recent news being Avaya's acquisition of Sipera. I would argue that Metaswitch's recent launch of their own SBC - Perimeta - is just as important, and both signal some new shifts in this market.

As my regular readers know, I've been following the session border controller space from Day 1, and while it's a very misunderstood market, the mainstream is finally catching up to why SBCs are important.

The SBC buzz is getting pretty loud now, and I'm glad that UCStrategies decided to do a podcast about it. I'm a bit of an outlier with this group, and boy, do they have different views on SBCs than me. Some are very technical and enterprise-centric, but have very little to do with the world I see. As a result, we had a very mixed bag about the value SBCs bring as well as the outlook for the category.

My thoughts on SBCs have been public for years, but I'm just one voice of many in this group. For that reason, if you're wondering what all the fuss is about, and why Avaya moved to take out Sipera, please give our podcast a listen. It's posted now on the UCStrategies portal, along with a full transcript.

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