Wednesday, December 21, 2011

ITExpo East in Miami - 41 days and counting...

Just a quick shout-out before people get too scattered for the holidays.

TMC's ITExpo East is just 41 days away, and before you know it, we'll be in Miami - nothing wrong with that, right? The show builds on strong momentum from the Austin expo back in September, and the upcoming program is as strong as ever. They recently announced Sir Terry Matthews as a keynoter, and you will not want to miss that. Great choice!

I'll be plenty busy as well, moderating three panels, and I'll provide more details on those as the speakers get confirmed.

1. Wed. at 11am - Building the UC business case

2. Wed. at 1:30pm - How call centers are being reshaped by smartphones, social media and fed-up consumers

3. Friday at 10am - Can UC get social?

Looking forward to all of those, and I hope you are too. Lots more to come about this and the Expo - stay tuned.

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