Wednesday, January 25, 2012

12 Ways of Finding Jon Arnold

We're all busy, and we all seem to lead multiple lives these days - some real, some (or more) virtual. Being an independent analyst, I wear many hats and work in a variety of ways/places to make a living.

I don't expect you to be up on everything I do, but am pretty sure people I work with only follow me selectively - nothing wrong with that. Since I wear the Marketing and PR hats around here, every now and then I need to make sure my followers get a bigger picture update.

One reason for doing this now is the fact that both my blog and website trended upward in traffic last year, and have been maintaining those levels nicely for a while. Companies have noticed, and I'm about to add my second sponsor later this week. Am in discussion with another one - a major vendor - so something must be working here. There's room for you too - operators are standing by to take your call...

So, just to be sure you know how to find me across the spectrum of my activities and writing, here's a summary with all the links you need. Hope you add a few new ones, and maybe subscribe to some new feeds. Thanks!

1. My website - J Arnold & Associates - the blog is for my telling, and the website is where I do my selling. This is where you need to be to learn about my analyst practice for thought leadership, research and strategy.

2.Upcoming events/conferences - this page on my website tells you where I've been lately and where I'll be the next few weeks out.

3. My regular UC postings on the ADTRAN UC blog

4. My monthly column on hosted contact center trends - on Exony's website

5. My regular posts, articles and podcast contributions around the UC space - on the UCStrategies portal

6. How you can hire me for speaking engagements

7. Follow me regularly on Twitter

8. Follow me less regularly or network with me on Linked in

9. Check out my latest published articles, white papers, podcasts, webinars, TV appearances, and various other citings here on my website

10. Review or purchase a report on the U.S. Renewable Energy market I co-authored with my smart grid research partners, Zpryme. It's still pretty timely, and custom inquiries are always welcome!

11. On the lighter side, you can follow my YouTube channel. Don't post there much these days, but my Cisco TelePresence demo has over 120,000 views, and if you want to see prime video of the-world's-best-cover-band, the Herding Cats, you will not find better clips than here. Remember when live rock was fun? Gotta see these, esp Whole Lotta Love (in 3 clips) and You Give Love a Bad Name - these guys are great!

12. On an even lighter side, if you need a guitar or piano player for a pickup rock or blues band at your next event, I'm there. Here's one from the Battle of the Bands at the 2009 Interactive Intelligence event. Gotta have some fun, right?

Got all that? How many ways are you following me now?


  1. Hi Jon,
    I like that you have embraced new media so well - that's great. But I do object to the title of the post.

    It reminds me of the realtors of the 90s - that would give you a business card with 5 numbers on it. Realtors are a dime a dozen, and I am not going to spend more than number dials to reach one.

    Over the past decade, with simo ring and other advanced features - we returned to one number. I don't want 12 ways to reach you. I want one.

    But again, that isn't to say it's great you are in so many places and I don't mean to belittle that. Perhaps the post should be called - 12 Places I Contribute or something like that.

  2. Thanks Dave! I know you do these things too, so I appreciate the support. You're totally right - should just be ONE way to find me. I'll have to work on that messaging now too. :-)
