Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome Aculab - new blog sponsor

Just a quick update - notice anything different about my blog today? Aculab is now running a banner in support of their current campaign around Aculab Cloud.

I've worked with Aculab off and on, and they're doing some interesting things with the cloud - you'll be hearing more about that shortly. The cloud, of course, is a big theme in 2012, and Aculab is going with the flow here, extending what's possible, not just for traditional customers, but also for reaching new customers who could not previously integrate telephony with their services or applications.

Closer to home, as an analyst, I'm happy to see them using Web-based media such as blogs to help get the word out. It's a natural fit for developers, and I hope they achieve the desired results!

I'll be leaving today for Miami and TMC's ITExpo, and I won't be hard to find there. The same goes for Aculab, so if you're attending the Expo and want to learn more about Aculab Cloud, you'll have no problem finding them at the Cloud Communications Expo, co-located with the main event. To be continued, but gotta get back to packing...

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