Thursday, February 16, 2012 - what's the diff? ShoreTel/M5 - a sign of what's to come?

On this week's UCStrategies podcast, we tried tackling these two big questions at the same time. The initial idea was to put our heads together and try to parse through the differences/confusion between hosted and cloud-based services - and from that, talk about where the opportunities lie, as well as the implications for channels.

This is a big enough topic on its own, and the idea was to touch on the recent acquisition of M5 Networks by ShoreTel as a jumping off point for what's happening in this space. I'm closer to this story than most of my colleagues at UCStrategies, and we ended up starting the podcast here. I wasn't planning on kicking off the discussion, but that's what happened, and everyone chimed in from there.

We did our best to tie these two topics together, but there's a lot more to explore on both fronts. The hosted/cloud thing will continue having a life of its own, so keep checking back at UCS for more discussion and analysis.

Regarding M5/ShoreTel, I've been speaking to execs on both sides of the deal, and will have a more focused assessment coming here on my blog in the next few days. Stay tuned - never a dull moment around here!

So, your next stop should be the UCS portal, where the podcast and transcript has now been posted. Kudos to Blair Pleasant for running the podcast and making sure everyone got their two cents in.


  1. where the podcast and transcript has now been posted. Kudos to Blair Pleasant for running the podcast and making sure everyone got their two cents in.

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