Monday, February 13, 2012

"Start Me Up" Campaign - Answering the Innovation Call

Well, I can't take credit for this one, but the timing is pretty good. Toronto-based Backbone Magazine has been stoking Canada's tech entrepreneurial spirit for over 10 years, and they just launched this campaign. Am not sure if they had to jump through any creative or legal hoops with the Rolling Stones (whose management happens to be based in Toronto) for the name, but it gets your attention.

They're doing this in partnership with The Alpha Exchange, and the focus is on innovation. If you were at last week's MobileMonday event, you'll know that my soapbox theme was innovation, especially the concern as to where it's going to come from in the Canadian wireless space.

In that regard, Start Me Up might provide the answer. It's a fairly standard startup contest - submit a business plan and the winner gets cash, national exposure, and a year's worth of media coverage in Backbone. You can read all the details here on the Backbone website, with the most important item being the cutoff date for entry - March 31.

If there's one thing that stands out here for me, is that the judges who will be evaluating the business plans are from across the tech spectrum. From what I can tell, there's just one VC on the panel, so your plan will need to speak to the entire ecosystem, and not just the money guys. Ready...go...

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