Monday, April 30, 2012

The End User Experience - What Else Really Matters for UC?

This is the fnal post in my series to support the UCSummit 2012, which starts next  Sunday in La Jolla, CA. Am really looking forward to that - it will be my first UCSummit, and I've never been to La Jolla, but I'm told it's really nice.

If you've been following this series, you'll know it's focused on the channel and helping them bring UC to market. UC is a different world than traditional phone systems, and there's a lot of learning needed on both sides of the business equation - buyers and sellers. I'm of the view that the end user experience is the real value driver for UC, and if channels don't buy into that, they're going to have a tough time transitioning in this market.

Enough said - my post is running now on the portal, and as always, your comments are welcome.

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