Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rethinking Communications - my new column for Internet Telephony Magazine

If you've followed me for a while, you'll know I've had a long history with TMC on several fronts. I've written for them wearing different hats, mainly via my Service Provider Views column, along with my ongoing thought leadership for the Smart Grid portal. I'm not writing those currently, but I also participate regularly in their long-running ITExpo conference - will you be coming to the next one in Austin, October 2-5? Finally, switching back to my smart grid hat, I also co-produced the highly successful Smart Grid Summit with TMC for two years, so I've had a stint being a hands-on show producer as well.

With that preamble out of the way, my latest partnership with TMC went live yesterday. I've started a new monthly column with them, and I'm calling it Rethinking Communications. As the title implies, I'll be writing about current trends that should give us all pause to consider what we're doing in this space. We live with disruption around us 24/7, and nobody has all the answers. I certainly don't either, but I see a lot of things, and this is my soapbox to create some fresh dialog.

The column runs in the print edition of their widely-read Internet Telephony magazine, and made its debut in the May issue. I haven't received my copy yet, but the online edition was posted yesterday. So, you don't have to be a print subscriber to read my column - you just have to wait a couple of weeks until it goes online. I'm sure TMC will be happy to get their content to you both ways, and signing up for a print sub is easy - here's the form. Otherwise, I'd love you to read my column right now, so here it is online. As you'll see, the title "Is Dial Tone Done?" is self-explanatory, and as always, your comments are welcome.

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