Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Up for air

Been about 2 weeks since my last post - decided to take a break from blogging and catch up on a million little things that have been building up the past few months. Being an indie isn't easy, and after having my busiest and best month in May, things eased up in June. Two trips, though, kept me on the road, but since then it's been a more manageable pace. I'm not one for sharing my personal life online, but the upside of being an indie is getting all this catching up done once all the deliverables have been fulfilled.

Blogging doesn't pay the bills, though, so I've been in active business development mode lately, and now things are getting busy again. No business travel on my calendar probably til October, and that's fine by me. Looks like I'll have a full plate with new projects/clients through the fall, and that helps provide fodder for blogging and tweeting.

That's it - just popping up to say I haven't gone away. When my blog goes quiet, it's usually for a good reason! Go figure, I pick July 4 to start posting again, and maybe 5 people will see this today. That's ok - I know my market and I'll be back with new posts soon enough. Until then, Happy 4th and a belated Happy Canada Day!

Oh, and if you think Canadians don't have fun with their holidays, check out this ode to Canada, hoser-style. This is the most fun you can have with empty beer cans, eh!

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