Friday, October 12, 2012

What IT needs to know today - the Canadian perspective

Long-time colleague Henry Dortmans is very well known in the Canadian telecom space, and one of the ways he stays involved is his monthly e-newsletter, On the Line. He's been doing this a while now, and it reaches about 3,000 people across the spectrum up here - IT decision makers, vendors, carriers, consultants, media, etc. It's a great way to take the pulse of the market and share learning, so I'm always happy to contribute when asked.

For the current issue, Henry asked a handful of analysts for our thoughts on what IT/telecom decision-makers need to know today about our space. Pretty simple request, and we were just asked to provide some short answers. It's not a definitive assessment, but collectively, I think we've covered the bases pretty well. The issue went out to his distribution list last night, and I wanted to pass on the URL here. I hope you enjoy it, and if you like what Henry is doing with OTL, and want to stay up on the Canadian market, he'll be happy to add you to his list.

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