Monday, March 25, 2013

UC and the Contact Center - Understanding Needs and Wants

Before becoming a telecom analyst, I used my MBA in Marketing in various ways, and before that I did undergrad studies in Social Psychology. Understanding needs and wants is about as ground zero as you can get in that field, and I think it can go a long way to making customer service better.

That's the kernal for a much longer discussion, but I got the ball rolling with my latest contribution to the UCStrategies portal. The main idea is that customer needs and wants are different things, and a great customer experience is more than just having an agent solve a problem in an efficient manner. It's really about communications, especially listening, and my view is that Unified Communications can really empower agents on that front.

What do you think? I'm sure you have an opinion, but do me favor - read my post first, and then share with us on the portal. Here's the link, and I hope to hear from you soon.

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