Thursday, April 4, 2013

Consolidation Trends in the UC Space - Podcast

I really am trying to blog more regularly, but so many things are keeping me busy, and my writing has found a few regular homes, so it's not hard to see what I'm up to.

Podcasts are another forum, and I try to participate in the weekly sessions hosted by UCStrategies, which remains the best source I know of to keep current in the ever-changing UC space. This week's topic is a great example of that, as we focused our groupthink on consolidation, an inevitable trend in every market.

M&A activity is perking up, and the deals are getting bigger, with Oracle's recent buy of Acme Packet setting the bar yet even higher. I think that move is a sign of what's coming, and you can read more about that in this post of mine, also on UCStrategies.

Getting back to the bigger topic, there are several avenues worth exploring, both in terms of specific vendors - such as RIM, Avaya, Polycom, BroadSoft and others - as well as which segments along the value change are ripe for change. So much to talk about and speculate on, and so little time. Without further ado, then, the podcast is ready for listening on the UCS portal. Thanks to Don van Doren for moderating and we hope you enjoy our perspectives. Comments as always are welcome, as are suggestions for future podcast topics.

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