Monday, April 22, 2013

Cybersecurity Webinar for Smart Grid - May 8

Cybersecurity is a complex topic, and I follow it to some degree in the VoIP and IP communications spaces. While the threats are real, it's easy to ignore them until something bad happens. I know this sounds eerily familiar to what happened last Monday in Boston, but these threats are not well understood, and the bad guys just need to be a step ahead of where you feel safe to do their thing.

Some of you know that Smart Grid is another market I stay busy in, and frankly, I can't think of a bigger cybersecurity target to be worried about than our power infrastructure. I'm pretty attuned to this given my focus on the growing overlap between Smart Grid and communications, especially when IP is layered across this.

On that note, I'm wearing my Zpryme hat on May 8, when I'll be moderating a webinar on the importance of this topic for utilities. They have a lot of catching up to do, and as Smart Grid matures, cybersecurity will pose more of a risk unless the right precautions are in place. Joining me will a speaker from the webinar sponsor, ViaSat, along with a cybersecurity strategist from UTC.

This should be of timely interest to anyone in the Smart Grid space, as well as those interested in cybersecurity issues for vertical markets - and this is a pretty big one. Details to register can be found here, and I hope you can join us on May 8.

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