Wednesday, April 24, 2013

UC Webinar with ShoreTel - May 2

Busy week here, and I've got another webinar to tell you about that I'm doing. This one is with ShoreTel, and it's coming up quickly - next Thursday - May 2 at 2pm ET.

I recently wrote a White Paper for ShoreTel about the virtues of three paths to UC - premise-based, cloud and hybrid, and as you may know, they are one of a few vendors who can support all three. Each has its place depending on your situation, and both businesses and channels are struggling to make the right choice.

You're welcome to download that paper any time, and if these choices are on your radar, then you'll want to sign up for this webinar. I'll be sharing highlights from my White Paper, and will be joined by a ShoreTel customer as well as a channel partner.

Collectively, this will give you a broad perspective on the drivers for each scenario along with hands-on realities from the field. We're not doing this to tell you which path is best for UC, but to provide guidance for you to decide which path is best for your needs.

I hope you can join us, and to get you there, here's the landing page with all the details along with the registration form.

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