Friday, May 10, 2013

Next Stop - Indianapolis and Interactions 2013

My travels come in fits and starts, and it's been busier than usual for me lately. On Sunday, I'm heading to Indy for Interactions 2013, the annual customer-fest for Interactive Intelligence. I've been to a few of these, and their event keeps getting bigger and better.

It's not easy catering to customers, partners, analysts and media all under one roof, but they've got this down to a science now. Not to mention they're a public company, so they have to deal with both industry and financial analysts.

Let's just say I'm sure they're glad this only happens once a year. These events take a huge amount of planning, but since ININ has been on such a good roll, it's a great way to showcase why and how they've been so successful. As analysts, we'll get a front row seat on this next week, and to the extent I can, I'll share my thoughts here on on twitter as times allows. My handle is @arnoldjon and if you want to follow the event, it's #InteractIndy2013.

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