Friday, June 21, 2013

Next Stop - Mitel BPC 2013, Ft. Lauderdale

Have had to stay local for a while, but am good to travel now, and I've got two trips to Florida over the next couple of weeks. Business-wise, my next stop is Fort Lauderadale for Mitel's Business Partner Conference, which runs next Tuesday - Thursday. Won't be blogging again until I'm there, so now's the time to do it.

I go to my share of vendor events, and this is a good one. Like clockwork, the 2013 BPC is exactly a year after the last one, which I attended and am looking forward to seeing how their positioning is holding up since then. I'll be blogging/tweeting as time allows - you can follow me at @arnoldjon, and the BPC hashtag is #mitelbpc.

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