Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Research - Promising UC Outlook for SMBs

Got some new industry research to share, and the news is good. Back in late 2010, Metaswitch Networks did some ground-breaking research with SMBs to better understand their thinking around communications technologies, especially their phone systems. I produced a position paper for them based on the data, which gave me first-hand access to the detailed findings.

SMBs don't just buy on price, and we all have a lot to learn about this huge segement of the business market, especially UC vendors and service providers. Well, I'm happy to say that Metaswitch Networks has updated this research and am even happier to say that there's lots of upside for those who take the time to understand what really drives SMBs.

Metaswitch is just starting to get the word out, and I got the first analyst briefing about it last week. There's lots to digest, and they've done a nice job summarizing the key findings in a public document you can access from their website.

Before you do that, though, I'm going to steer you to my analysis of that summary, which has just been posted on the UCStrategies portal. UC wasn't in the mainstream vernacular in 2010, but it is now, and since UC is a key element of the research, UCS is the logical home for my writeup. So, please give it a read, share your thoughts with us, and if you want to learn more, give their research summary a read as well.

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