Friday, March 21, 2014

Next stop - ETS in Austin, TX

Travel has been light so far this year, but starting next week, I'll be on the go a fair bit more.

Next Monday and Tuesday is ETS - the Energy Thought Summit. Wearing my smart grid hat, I've had an active role with my partners at Zpryme Research. Conferences take a long time to put together, especially when it's your first, so I've been adding more than my smart grid expertise, mostly behind the scenes.

Our hard work is poised to pay off next week, and if you're coming, am sure our paths will cross. I won't be hard to find, and will likely end up moderating a panel or two. Also, I'm the MC for Day 2.

Registration is peaking now, and we have a first-rate lineup of thought leaders to make this worthwhile for anyone who wants to know where smart grid is headed. There will be several communications and IT-related tracks, including one on cybersecurity, which I'll be taking in for sure.

If you don't know by now, Steve Wozniak is our marquee keynoter, and he's speaking Monday morning at 10am. For the rest of the program and roster, check out the event website, and it's not too late to make plans.

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