Monday, April 7, 2014

Next Stop - Gravenhurst, ON - CTCA Conference

Yup, the Great White North, eh. Well, I do live in Toronto, and a 2-3 hour drive around here barely gets you out of the city. Most people have no idea how big Ontario is, but they'll find out when the world runs out of water, and the province is annexed by a superpower to harvest our lakes to survive. Sounds like this could make a good movie, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it actually happen in my lifetime.

On a more cheery note, the weather IS warming up, but my Red Sox are suddenly in last place, so things could be better. For me, Gravenhurst will make things better, and that's where I'm going this week, from Tuesday - Thursday.

I've had some near misses to participate in CTCA events, but this year, it's finally on. CTCA is the Canadian Telecom Consultants Association - our version of the STC in the U.S. Their 2014 annual conference is being held at the Taboo Resort, and it's very scenic - and expensive - up there in Muskoka country.

Am really looking forward to attending, and I'd better not be late. I've been kindly asked to give the opening keynote on Wednesday morning, and I'll be talking about five trends in the communications space we all have to pay attention to - not just consultants, but vendors, carriers and channels. Oh, and of course, businesses - if nobody's buying, we'd better find something else to do. My presentation is ready to go, but I'm not giving it away here - you'll just have to come up to Gravenhurst and get a ticket - or ask me nicely after the event.

I'm also moderating a session on the cloud later that day, so I hope you stick around for that. Joining me will be speakers from Cogeco Data Services, Interactive Intelligence and NEC.

It's not too late to drop everything you're doing this week and make your way up north - right? For locals, the Leafs should be dropping out of playoff contention by tomorrow, so it's not like you'll have any distractions. :-)

Hope to see you there, and for more detail, here's CTCA's landing page for the conference.

I'll do my best to tweet and blog - my handle ia @arnoldjon, and the event handle is @CTCA_Canada

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