Friday, May 30, 2014

Next Stop - Interactions in Indy

Am flying to Indianapolis on Sunday for the 2014 Interactions event. This is Interactive Intelligence's showcase event for customers and partners, along with the analyst/consultant/media communities.

I've been to a few of these, and the event keeps getting bigger and better each year. It always has a relaxed mid-Western vibe that sits well with my small town USA roots. No overkill or excessive hype here - just stuff you can understand and take at face value. My kind of event.

If you follow me, you'll know I write often about ININ, and based on their stock price trajectory - at least up til a month or so ago - it looks like the world is catching up to all the good things they've been doing. As analysts, we get a closer view of that, and the company has become a bellwether for whether there's a viable business model for cloud communications. If anyone can do it, they can, and I expect to see more validation of this next week.

Stay tuned, both here and on my twitter feed - @arnoldjon. You can also follow their direct feed for all the tweets - #InteractIndy2014.

Finally, for a change, I get to be part of the fun. The SIPtones are a group of consultants who play at these events when the stars line up, and are always great to watch. At last year's Interactions, I guested on guitar for a couple of songs - here my post  from last year, including a YouTube link to a video compilation someone put together of their set.

Well, I'm glad to be back again. This time, I'll split time on keyboards and guitar, and the SIPtones get to stretch out for a full night of music. Interactive has set this up at a local club, and this will be part of the Tuesday night entertainment. If you're comning to Indy, we'll see you Tuesday night at the Slippery Noodle!

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