Thursday, June 12, 2014

Best in Biz Awards - am judging again this year

Back late last night from Genband's Perspectives conference in Orlando - takeaways post and pix coming tomorrow.

That's it for biz travel til the Fall - I hope! It's been 5 events in the last 7 weeks, and 7 in the last 10, so I'm conferenced-out for now. Time to stay local while the sun is shining. I already have 4 R&R trips happening this summer, but you'll have to ask me about those - I don't share my private life online.

Couldn't get any blogging done during Genband, but here's a quick item to share. For the past couple of years, I've been invited to judge by Best in Biz Awards International for various categories. This year, I've been asked to judge entries for the 2014 Most Innovative International Company category. That's a mouthful, and I just received the company profiles, so it's time to get to work on these.

Am not sure when the winners will be announced, but I'll post updates as needed. Otherwise, feel free to follow things directly on their twitter feed: @bestinbizawards.

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