Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My CTCA Presentation - Millennials and Collaboration

September has started off strong, and while I won't be travelling to any conferencs for another month or so, I do have an event this week closer to home.

Tomorrow, I'll be giving a keynote presentation at the CTCA's annual golf tournament, held at the Shawneeki Golf Club in Sharon, Ontario. I've never been there, and with the weather being so nice now, I'm really looking forward to going.

The topic is what Millennials can teach us about collaboration, and it's an extended analysis based on an article I wrote last month for UCStrategies. Since we're still in back-to-school mode, I thought the timing was good for reflecting on what we can learn from the younger generation, especially for something they tend to know more about than we do.

You may recall that I was invited to keynote back in April for CTCA's annual conference, and it looks like that went well enough to have me back for more. Am happy to do it, and if you're coming up for the event, I look forward to seeing you there!

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