Friday, June 5, 2015

CTCA Conference Wrapup - My Thoughts on UCStrategies

I got back from the CTCA's conference last night, and wanted to get my takeaways posted before the weekend while my memory is still intact. This is the CTCA's 30th anniversary - wow - but also the last as the association will now be folded into the SCTC.

While not focused specifically on UC, a lot of the content from the conference was relevant, and certainly of value to anyone either buying or selling in this space. What started as telephony has become communications, and now that's being usurped by collaboration, all of which is on track to fall under one giant cloud. If that's the swamp you're trying to navigate, I think you'll find my post relevant, and while you're on the UCStrategies portal, I encourage you to poke around. I'm one of many contributors, and if this isn't your go-to site for all things UC&C, it should be once you've spent some time there.

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