Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Next Stop - Brrrmuda and Unify's Analyst Conference

Yeah, it's cold here in Toronto, and it's not quite beach weather in Bermuda, but I can live with that. Never been to Bermuda, and am very much looking forward to leaving shortly for this. For the next few days I'll be at the Unify Analyst Conference, and we'll finally get a deep dive that builds on the preview briefing we recently got about Circuit.

That will be the main focus, but I'm sure all of us analysts will be just as interested in the business side of things now that Atos is in the picture. The synergies from moves like this aren't always so clear, but in due time, I'm hoping that will change.

I'll blog as time allows, but more often, I'll be tweeting @arnoldjon, and if you want to follow the event feed, it's #UnifyAR16.

This is actually part 1 of a 3 part trip, and next week, I'll be wearing my moderating hat at TMCnet's ITExpo in Fort Lauderdale. Again, I can live with that!

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