Thursday, May 25, 2006

Canadian IP Thought Leaders Podcast - Stephen Marshall, ZoneZ Wireless

I was offsite most of the day at an event put on by Telus, so I haven't been able to track much of the Vonage buzz. I'll have a few post-mortems to add on this tomorrow, along with my guest post on Om Malik's blog, and Mark Evans's piece in today's National Post. Sounds like things went from bad to worse today, down another $1.85 to close at $13.00. Oooooh. Will there be a bargain-hunting bounce, or is the stone still sinking? Tune in tomorrow....

Tomorrow I'll also have a brief post about the highlights of the Telus event. It's been a long couple of days, and it will just have to wait.

The main event for this post is today's podcast that I did with Stephen Marshall for the Pulvermedia Podcasting Network. They had a hiatus last week as the PPN crew were in Stockholm doing pods at VON Europe. But I'm back on track now, with lots of new and interesting companies to podcast about in the weeks ahead.

Zonez Wireless is an interesting company that I've known about for a while, and got to know a little better at the Canadian Venture Forum earlier this month.

Today's podcast was with their President, Stephen Marshall, and he talked about why cablecos are keenly interested in wireless broadband, and how they're finding all kinds of neat applications most of us probably don't think about every day like RV trailer parks and landing docks for cruise ships. You can tune in to our chat here, as well as read up more about Stephen and Zonez.

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