Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Vonage IPO - On Second Thought....

Well, I never said I was a good stock picker. I really thought demand would have been stronger for Vonage. On the other hand, I wouldn't say it's a total disaster, and there could well be a bounce tomorrow or in the days ahead. So many variables here, and there's no one right answer.

Just wanted to share some links about my media encounters today. More are coming, including a post as a guest blogger on Om Malik's blog.

First, this morning's spot on Bloomberg Radio. It's in two files - runs around 12 minutes or so. You access it here for Part 1, and here for Part 2. Mr. Citron - if you're out there, you'll be glad to know I did this interview over Vonage, and pointed this out to the interviewer, Charlie Stein. I loved his response - "well, you sold me".

Second, a print story from Bloomberg News. Among other places, this story was picked up in the globally-read International Herald Tribune.

Third, ROB TV. I was on Pat Bolland's afternoon program. The link is active for a week, so have a look now before it's gone! Scroll down to the 3:15pm time slot, and you'll see the link there.

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1 comment:

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