Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Globalcomm - Day 3

Tear-down is well underway - the show floor just closed - it's amazing too see how fast people move when they want to go home!

Overall, a less-than-inpsiring experience, but certainly some good things along the way. I'll post about my highlights before the week is out - am just stealing 5 minutes here before the WiFi is shut down.

Did a podcast from the floor this afteroon with Carl Ford, and that should be posted in the next day or so. Globalcomm may be smaller than its predecessor, Supercomm (although one would think that "global" connotes something bigger than "super"...), but it's still quite big compared to the vertical shows that have more focus on IP communcations, like VON and Internet Telephony. So, not as much leading-edge stuff here, but I sure learned more about things like enclosures and backup power supplies!

Had a number of good briefings, so I did get updated on things I'm following, such as IPTV and WiFi/WiMax. Nothing much, though on things like open source or Web 2.0, but that's ok.

Saw Jeff Pulver's address yesterday, which was very well received. Consistent with what I've been saying above, it was a familiar message to those in the VON crowd, but for Globalcomm, it had that you-can-change-the-world call-to-action that resonated when you heard it for the first time. So, in my view, it was a message that needed to be delivered for this audience, since they weren't hearing anything like this from anyone else.

They're turning down the lights, and I'm the last one left here in the press room, so it's time to go. Quickly, the parties at House of Blues last night - Pulver's and MetaSwitch - were great - the highlight of the show for me. I got some great photos and video on my Nokia N90, and will post these when I get back to Toronto. If you've never seen or heard the Herding Cats, they are as good as it gets for live bands, and you're in for treat when you see my video clips. So come back soon, and enjoy!

Gotta go - heading out now to the White Sox/Tigers game - photos/video coming later.....

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