Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Globalcomm - Not All There

Just a quick post during Day 2. Don't get many chances to blog, and I've got a bunch of photos, but won't be able to post these until later.

Overall, the show has been rather lackluster. Not as big as last year, and it seems to lack energy and focus. Haven't seen that much of interest on the show floor, but I do expect to spend more time there tomorrow.

Scorecard so far - 2 t-shirts, 1 good session and 1 Yankees blow out of the Red Sox. Not a lot to write home about in terms of goodies, but lots of guys selling wires, generators and industrial-strength protective gear.

I moderated a session on VoIP earlier put on by Telecommunications Magazine. That went well and was well attended. The only other speaker I've seen so far was Jeff Pulver - he gave a keynote similar to what he covered at Spring VON, but this was largely a new audience. That went over well.

Have seen the Acme Packet folks in various places - they look pretty happy in the glow last week's IPO announcement. Good for them.

Quickly, was cited briefly in Business Week story that ran today about Net2Phone suing Skype - pretty interesting stuff.

Gotta run now, show floor closes in an hour. Hope to have more tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Posted by: TelecomMarketer

    I thought it was great myself. I'm coming back next year!
