Saturday, June 3, 2006

Telio - Day 1 - So Far, So Good

I feel like I'm carving out a niche here for being a Telio watcher, but I just had to close the loop a bit here. While no new shares were issued on opening day, the sky did not fall, which can only be seen as good news. The news doesn't exactly come to me thick and fast from Norway - nor in a language I can understand - but from what I can tell, there are no red flags, or any ultimatums demanding shares be paid for in full regardless of market price.

As per my earlier post, a tale of two cities, for sure....

Ring those bells...Alan Duric, co-founder/CTO, Telio, and Jeff Citron of Vonage (apologies for the poor quality, esp of the Vonage photo)


Day 1 trading, at 30 NOK, as per the Oslo Bourse site....

Telio_day 1trading.png

Vonage sidebar - on Friday, they announced the hiring of Bryan DiGiorgio as their SVP of Customer Care. I suspect he's going to be one busy guy.

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