Monday, September 18, 2006

TalkingTech - More Canadian Podcasting

Fellow Canadian Mark Evans cover tech as well as anybody up here, and he's been doing so with the National Post for several years. His blog is great reading, and Mark covers a lot of ground very well - both for the paper and on his blog.

He's also been podcasting for a while, doing so as a duo with Kevin Restivo. Until recently, Kevin has been on staff with Mark at the Post, but starting this month, he's moved to the analyst world, and is with Seaboard Group.

I didn't get to track the blogs much last week while at Fall VON, and it was nice to see Mark's post the other day announcing a new and improved podcast, now known as TalkingTech. I really like the name, and he's continuing on with Kevin, which is good news. As the post explains, they've got some branding help behind them, so the look and feel is very nice. Catchy intro music too! Looks like last week's pod was their first under this new moniker and persona. Way to go, guys.

Their pods are quite different than mine, as theirs is more of a tech news roundup for the week, and mine features a different interview guest each week. It's all good, and if you're looking to get more of your Canadian podcasting fix, please check out TalkingTech.

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