Friday, September 15, 2006

VON Recap - the Rest of the Story

Just a few multimedia tidbits to share from the show. In case you get tired of reading about VON, you can also listen or watch more commentary! I did a couple of podcasts and a videocast from the floor at the Pulvermedia setup.

For now, only the first podcast has been posted, and you can download it here. I'll post the second one and the videocast as soon as they're up.

This podcast was done with fellow Canadian Jim Courtney. We're often at the same shows, and he's got a great blog on Skype Journal. We shared our overall impressions of the show. The second podcast was about all the Canadian companies we saw at the show - stay tuned for that one.

Speaking of Jim, I was asked to comment on a Skype/Mac story for MacNewsWorld during the show, and since he's so close to this space, we did the interview together. Here it is, if you'd like to read it. Thanks for helping out on this one, Jim.

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