Friday, February 16, 2007

Marc and Jon's Venture - Update

If you follow my blog, you may be aware that I have started to collaborate with fellow indie consultant, Marc Robins. Our first initiative is a monthly newsletter, and we are on track to have the debut issue ready at the end of this month.

I'm not going to get into the details now, but can tell you it will be free and will be readily available on a website that we're just putting together now. The site will evolve into a portal, as we have lots of interesting ideas that we think will make it a popular destination for all things IP.

I'm posting about this now, as I've realized we've been quiet - too quiet - about our venture since we announced it last month. Wearing my marketing hat, I know we need to create our own buzz leading up to putting something out there, and you can expect to see more posts like this over the next week or so.

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