Friday, February 16, 2007

Technical Difficulties Resolved - Finally!

Oh happy day!

Well, it looks like my technical difficulties are finally cleared up. I was told that my domain transfer would automatically take effect by midnight last night, if not sooner. Well, it didn't happen sooner, but as I logged on today, my inbox was much fuller than it's been in weeks, and my website is back up. Whoo hooo.

For any of you who have been through this, I'm sure you can relate! It's like having one hand tied behind your back for a couple of weeks, but not any more. Back to work...

For those of you who have not been able to reach me lately, I apologize for the inconvenience. It's especially aggravating since many emails that went into a black hole during that time did not generate any bouncebacks to the sender, so you'd have no way of knowing that your email wasn't getting to me. So, if you think I've disappeared and moved on to another life, I'm still here, and happy to hear from you.

You can see for yourself, my website and email are both working just fine now.

Coda - while my web hosting problems are solved - at least for now - I still have no idea what went wrong. I'm not going to diss the company here, but this is definitely a prime example of how NOT to serve the customer. Just a total mess from start to finish. If you're curious, we can take this offline, but I've got more important things to do now.

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