Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Telus Changes Tune on Porn

Well, that didn't last long. Telus's announcement two weeks ago to offer adult content to mobile subscribers was a first in North America.

And now it could be a last. This afternoon they've reversed course, after realizing that the public backlash was too strong to resist. Last week I commented how the pushback was just beginning, and it's only accelerated from there. For more flavor on this, just read the comments posted to the article - there were 70 last I checked.

Morality issues aside, there are just so many issues and problems here, and you really have to wonder why? Of course porn is hugely lucrative, but everything comes with a price, and in this case that means alienating all kinds of people. The opposition from the Roman Catholic Church may well have been the backbreaker, and maybe old fashioned guilt ended up carrying the day here. Anybody know if Darren Entwistle is Catholic? :-)

From a PR perspective, it sure is interesting to watch how Telus is now putting a positive spin on this after taking the polar opposite position barely two weeks ago.

Well, with the much anticipated arrival here next month of WNP - Wireless Number Portability - this brings Telus back to the pack in terms of reasons for subscribers to stay - or go. As I mentioned initially, you'd think that Virgin Mobile would be the ones to take up the mantle for adult content, and who knows, maybe they will.

WNP could open up our wireless market in a big way, especially if Ottawa decides to ease foreign ownership restrictions. That would open the way for the much hoped-for "fourth" carrier to make our market more competitive. So many variables, so many scenarios.

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