Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Unified Communications Strategies - Updated Portal

I have mentioned colleague Jim Burton previously, and he's had a great portal running, called Unified Communications Strategies. He has been nice enough to include me in his group, and encouraged me to share posts related to unified communications/messaging on his portal, which I have been doing for a few months now.

The most recent would be the article I wrote for Microsoft's Canadian Connections newsletter, which just went up a few days ago.

Well, you can now find the article on the UCS portal, as well as lots of other great content on this space. You do have to register, but it's free, and just takes a minute.

Aside from linking you to the article there, I'm also posting about this to draw attention to the fact that the UCS portal was recently re-launched, and is a nice improvement from the previous incarnation. Jim Burton has put a lot of work into this - and many other too, I'm sure - and it shows. He's done a great job, and it makes the portal an even more valuable resource for the UC/UM space.

So, if this area is of interest to you, I'd urge you to bookmark it, and visit often. You can also get there from my blog roll, and I'll let you know when my next posting shows up there.

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