Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fall VON - Jeff Pulver Interview

Just thought you'd like to have some advance reading about what's on Jeff's mind leading up to VON next week.

Well-known PR firm, Calysto Communications, publishes a regular newsletter - PR Vibes - and the current edition features a Q&A with Jeff Pulver. There's lots going on in the Pulvermedia world, and the news releases have already started today. They're not hard to find, so I'm not going to cite them here. I'd rather draw attention to the interview, which you'll find to be a good warm-up to the conference.

PR Vibes is an email subscription, so you can't access the interview from Calysto's website. However, I have a soft copy, which you can download here.

I promise - this will be my last VON post before the show! But there will be more coming once I'm there...

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