Tuesday, October 23, 2007

California Fires and the Virtues of IP Communications

Great post today from colleague Andy Abramson, who's living - and working - first hand under the terrifying conditions ravaging a few places in California now, including his base of San Diego.

You can't miss the images on the news, and it's a sober reminder that Mother Nature works with us as well as against us, whether we like it or not. It's her world - we just live in it.

If anybody knows how to live the digital, virtual lifestyle, it's Andy. His post is a timely account of how Andy's company, Communicano, is able to function pretty much business as usual under adverse and trying conditions. These are the kinds of situations where the Internet and wireless broadband really earn their stripes. Andy recounts how these tools allow his team to stay in touch across several geographic locations via the Web. Mind you, not just staying in touch, but working without missing a beat.

All the tools are there - email, collaboration/file sharing, voice and video - and guess what? These apps are not expensive and anyone with broadband can use them. And as Andy notes, they can do it over the Web - without relying on a cell phone. It's a terrific case study for business continuity, and another proof point validating IP communications. And most importantly, a great way to make sure everyone is ok, and share that with the world.

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