Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall VON - Unified Communications Conference

Finally getting a chance to post today. Got a few shout-outs to do for Fall VON. This one is for the Unified Communications Conference, one of a few conferences-within-a-conference taking place next week at the event.

My colleagues at UC Strategies.com - especially Jim Burton and Blair Pleasant - are media sponsors and more importantly are running most of the tracks. It's great to them getting a showcase like this to devote 2 full days to unified communications, and if this topic is high up on your radar, these sessions will be time well spent.

Lots of familiar names will be speaking, and if I wasn't so involved with the Unconference and Innovator's Track, I'd be spending most of my show time there. I'll certainly do my best to drop in on the sessions, and hope to see you there.

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