Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall VON- The Unconference - now for something completely different...

Well, for those of you who recall some of the pushback from the blogosphere around Spring VON earlier this year, the Unconference next week at Fall VON will be a welcome addition. In short, Pulvermedia has been listening to the buzz that the show has lost some edge, at least in the VoIP space, and I think the Unconference is a great step to get back out there, where disruption is the norm.

So, what is the Unconference? Well, you're going to have to check a few links to find out, but if you want your content on the raw and ready side, this is the place to be. The Unconference is part of a broader initiative at Fall VON called VONCamp, which also includes the Innovator's Forum, of which I'll be a part.

Actually, I'll be active throughout the Unconference as well, but being a rather free-form forum, I'm not exactly sure what form that will take. However, if you pop in and out of the tracks, you're bound to find me. In the spirit of Web 2.0, this is an open, self-organizing event, where you're all welcome to have a say. As you can see from the VONCamp home page, anyone can sign on to the wiki and contribute ideas for topics that you'd like to see discussed. Well, what are you waiting for?

Having been away last week, and underwater with project work until now, I'm late to the party as usual. So, to get in the groove, I'm going to steer you to the links you need to see to get the full picture. Start first with colleague Thomas Howe, who is really the point man for the Unconference. Then you need to read Alec Saunders, and then, there's a nice wrap-up post from Jeff Pulver. I really don't have much to add at this point, other than it sure will be interesting.

Well, actually, I do have one more thing to say. A big shout-out to Carl Ford, Mr. Everywhere at Pulvermedia events. Is there a better community developer anywhere? What makes Carl tick? Let me know if you have a clue - coz I don't. Carl has been the driving force behind the Unconference and I know he'll be very happy seeing it come to fruition. Did you know Carl has a blog? By his count, he's up to 7 readers now, but that may include family and friends. So, please, do your part to get him into double digits so he can start selling banner ads! And if you want to connect with him via the broader Pulvermedia Community, you should sign up and see who's there aside from him and me.

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