Thursday, April 10, 2008

IT-Finance Connection Launches

Carl Weinschenk is a veteran tech journalist I've long admired and have done a number of stories with. I know him best through the publication IT Business Edge, and he's now got a portal of his own, called IT-Finance Connection.

He just gave me the news about it yesterday, and I'm happy to give it some attention. Carl covers a lot of ground, and as the name implies, he's using this portal to build a better bridge between the Finance and IT functions within organizations. They have long operated under different sets of rules, but as IT becomes more of a strategic resource on many levels, it's important that these two groups work more closely together.

I get that, and think that Carl is on to something good here. Hopefully he can build a business model around it, at least enough to build a base from which to grow. I'm not quite sure how he's going to engage these communities, but I'll certainly be willing to help, and would urge you to do the same if you like what he's doing here.

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