Wednesday, April 9, 2008

IT360 Conference Recap

The IT360 conference finished up today, and over the course of the past 3 days, Henry Dortmans and I saw through the 8 breakouts and 2 half-day tutorials on Unified Communications that we've been putting together for the event.

The quality of the sessions was very high, and we're quite pleased with how they turned out and are very thankful to all the speakers who put quite a bit of time and thought into their presentations. Thanks as well to the moderators who did their piece to help run the sessions and engage the audience.

Unfortunately, the sessions were very lightly attended, but let's just leave it at that. Canadian telecom conferences are by nature small and low key, and the experience is visibly different from comparable US events on many levels. For a change, that's all I'm going to say - it's just different. It's done. Time to move on to the next events - more on that later.

I'll just leave you with a few photos, courtesy of my Nokia N81...


Matthew Glotzbach, Google Enterprise


Ernie Wallerstein, Zeacom


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