Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Serious Hardware

If you're a geek, you can skip this post. It's not what you think.

This is serious hardware for pro sports - MLB, NFL, NBA and NHL. They were all on display today as part of the Red Sox home opener. Basking in glory doesn't get much better than this, with the 2007 World Series being commemorated today, another NBA title looks pretty likely, and Super Bowl that could'a, should'a, would'a.

Any way you look at it, this must have been sports heaven on the field before the game with current and past stars/legends on hand from all the teams, along with the trophies.


Photo courtesy of Boston.com

As far as I can tell Boston has more championships in total across the big 4 team sports than any other city with one team per sport. It's not fair to lump in all the teams for megacities like New York, Chicago and LA. I also like to note that Boston one of only 3 cities to have champions in all 4 sports - Chicago and NY are the only other ones. My only qualifier here is that only SuperBowls count for NFL. The NFL is almost completely a product of television, and before 1967 it was a pretty minor and regional sport. That's another topic altogether, but I'll leave it at that for now - but happy to keep the conversation going!

And for what it's worth, DiceK pitched a beauty today, and shut out Detroit 5-0. The Sox stranded about 100 runners, so it should have been more like 15-0. It's tough to lose when you have this much pre-game hoopla and uber-karma going. Let's just hope they can bottle some of this for the rest of the season.

Oh - and I heard Bill Buckner was honored today. I guess exonerated is a better word - his Game 6 legacy can be pretty much forgiven and forgotten now that we've got a couple of new World Series under our belts. Talk about a great way to publicly wash away your sins and feel really good about it. Nicely done, and now we can focus on all the good things he did in his career. He's done his time.

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