Friday, November 21, 2008

eComm2009 - Updated Roster

Agenda planning for eComm2009 has been in full swing lately, and it's been a blur of submissions followed by ongoing commentary by email among the Advisory Board. We're all busy, and with my recent travels, I've been doing my best to contribute feedback.

Anyhow, the rosted was updated the other day, and I wanted to get the word out that the program is shaping up nicely. The eComm format is different from most events, and it's all about volume, really. Most speaking slots are only 10 or 15 minutes long, so attendees will certainly get their money's worth in terms of hearing from lots and lots of smart people.

How much of this you retain is another conversation, but eComm is really about community building. There won't be any snap quizzes at the end to test if you were paying attention. You're really there to soak up as much innovative and disruptive thinking as possible, and hopefully you'll go away with at least one game-changing idea.

So, to see who's speaking so far, please visit the Conference Schedule page of the eComm website. It's a good mix of household names and unknowns, so you can expect to get perspectives that are both reality-based and not-yet-mainstream-but-will-be-soon.

I should also add that it's a tough market for conferences, but sponsors are stepping up nicely to support eComm, so a solid base of financial support is forming. Most recently, Voxeo and Skype have signed on, and join other notables sponsors, such as GIPS, Voxbone, MetaSwitch and Jaduka.

Lots more additions to come, and aside from reading posts like mine, you can get a direct pipeline to the latest news by subscribing to alerts on the eComm homepage, as well as following the eComm blog, and signing up with the eComm Facebook Group.

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  1. Posted by: editor

    Ecomm was a wonderful and inspired conference last year. It would be great (and much needed) to have some of the conversations that happen at ecom held also north of the border in Canada.

    Whitespace, net neutrality and many more are still big open questions up here.

  2. Posted by: John

    Thanks for the information. I plan on attending next year.

  3. Posted by: Jon Arnold

    Thanks John, and glad you're going! I'll look for you there in March.
